



四個好的永遠不會逃跑,他們是堅實的支柱。四個平庸的人會試圖逃跑,因為他們聚焦於無望的人。有一位聖人舉了一朵玫瑰的例子,說一個人帶著玫瑰來到你身邊,但是因為你的眼睛在玫瑰之下的刺上,你以為他們會用刺來刺你。如果你的視線集中在玫瑰上,刺就不會打擾你。你會看到你怎麼能把你的手放在刺之間來拿握玫瑰 花- 這是你將得到的技能。如果你有一點智慧,那麼你就會知道如何享受和握這朵玫瑰,而不用擔心刺。

 -  古儒吉大師

" Just before I started The Art of Living, I met this 108 years old man. He was a Pandit and has written around 700 books. He was a great astrologer. I was around 21 at that time, and he told me one thing. He said, “For any organization you need 12 people – four good, four mediocre and four hopeless people. This forms a good organization. The four hopeless people will bring out all the good qualities and the strength in the four good people. And the mediocre will learn their lessons from both side”. I sometimes think to myself, ‘What wise advice he gave me, even before I thought of starting an organization’. In fact, I never wanted to start an organization. I was very happy; I am happy now also. At that time, I had my little suitcase, and I would travel from place to place, talk to people and give some knowledge. This is how I started and then the organization started happening on its own.

Don’t look into the behavior of others around you. If it is not inspiring, don’t look at it. If it is inspiring then definitely take, as they must be one of the four good people. If you are focused on the four hopeless then you will want to run away, you will want to blame others and yourself, and all this negativity will chase you like a shadow. And the farther you go from light, the shadow becomes much bigger and then you fight with your own shadow. When does your shadow get bigger? It is when you are away from the light, and when you are no facing the light. That is when your shadow is bigger than you.

The four good will never run away, they are like solid pillars. The four mediocre will try to run away because they are focused on the hopeless people. There was a saint who would give an example of a rose and say that a person is coming to you with a rose but because your eyes are on the thorns which are beneath the rose, you think they are coming to hit you with the thorns. If your sight is focused on the rose, the thorns will not bother you. You will see how you can put your hands in-between the thorns and hold the rose – that is the skill that you will get. If you have a little intelligence, then you will know how to hold and enjoy the rose and not be bothered about the thorns." 

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar