



在阿育吠陀中,芒果可以治愈所有三種——Vata、Pittha 和 Kapha doshas。成熟的芒果會產生熱量並提高身體的能量水平。未成熟的水果味道酸,具有收斂和涼爽的特性。阿育吠陀建議謹慎食用生芒果。不應單獨大量食用生芒果,因為它會增加 pitta dosha。然而,它可以與其他食物結合使用,比如酸辣醬,這將有助於消化。






預防心臟病:芒果富含維生素 B6、維生素 C 和維生素 E。它有助於身體對抗有害感染和有害自由基。它可以保護身體免受心髒病和中風的侵害。









Mango leaves have anti-inflammatory, diuretic and cardio tonic properties. The leaves contain glucoside and mangiferine. Dried and powdered mango leaves are good in removing kidney stones and improving hair growth. The powder of the leaves when dried and burnt is effective in providing relief for burns. A concoction of the mango leaves is effective in treating diabetes retinopathy and hyper tension. The organic compounds in the mango leaves are effective in treating hyperglycaemia. Leaves soaked in water overnight and squeezing them well before filtering the water is useful in treating early diabetes. As an alternative, the leaves could be dried in Sun and powdered and preserved. Half a tea spoon of powder, consumed in the morning and in the evening helps in the control of diabetes in the early stages.

Leaves are used to treat diarrhoea, fever, asthma, cough, bronchitis, common cold and insomnia. A concoction of leaves when used as a mouth wash relieves pain associated with gum problems.

Mango bark  is effective in treating haemoptysis, haemorrhaging, nasal catarrh, diarrhoea, ulcers, diphtheria, rheumatism and diphtheria. A decoction of mango bark added to one gram of black salt helps treat diarrhoea. Juice of the bark is used to stop heavy bleeding during menstruation. Bark contains mangiferine effective in the treatment of rheumatism and diphtheria. The resinous gum is useful for external applications to treat cracks on the foot, scabies and syphilis.

Mango root  a paste of the root can reduce fever when applied to the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

Mango kernel seed:  The kernel contains gailc acid in large quantities which is highly useful in treating piles and menorrhagia. The juice of the kernel if snuffed prevents nasal bleeding.  Kernel is used in treating gum related problems like pyorrhoea and halitosis. Seeds are useful in treating diarrhoea. Seeds should be dried in shade and powdered. The paste of the decorticated kernel of the mango is useful as a contraceptive. Using the powder of the seed kernel along with water is effective in curing the habit of soil eating in children. Paste of mango roots when applied on soles and palms is effective in reducing the temperature. Fine powder of mango seeds mixed with buttermilk, consumed twice a day is an effective antidote for piles problem.

Raw Mango: Sucking the juice of a raw mango roasted on a pan of hot sand is effective in providing relief for common cold and bronchitis. Raw mango pulp mixed with salt reduces thirst. The raw fruit is useful to combat sunstroke.

花:用凝乳提取的鮮花汁可用於治療腹瀉。 含有 15% 單寧的芒果乾花用作收斂劑,用於治療腹瀉、慢性痢疾、膀胱粘膜炎和由淋病引起的慢性尿道炎。

芒果果肉:芒果果肉與牛奶的混合物或吃完水果後喝牛奶,給身體帶來活力和能量。 經常吃芒果可以改善皮膚的膚色。 等比例服用芒果汁和Jamun 汁可有效控製糖尿病。 在阿育吠陀文本 Bhavaprakasa 中,建議將成熟水果的汁液、糖和芳香劑製成的糖漿作為滋補品。

皮:水果皮中含有果膠(一種存在於植物細胞壁中的複合碳水化合物)。 果膠可有效治療高膽固醇、高甘油三酯,預防結腸癌、前列腺癌和糖尿病。

Flowers: Juice of fresh flowers taken with curds is used in the treatment of diarrhoea. Dried mango flowers which contains 15% tannin is used as an astringent in treating diarrhoea, chronic dysentery, catarrh of the bladder,  and chronic urethritis resulting from gonorrhoea.

Mango Pulp: A mixture of mango pulp with milk or drinking milk after eating the fruit gives vigour and energy to the body. Eating mango regularly improves the complexion of the skin. Taking mango juice and Jamun juice in equal proportion is effective in controlling diabetes. In the Ayurvedic text Bhavaprakasa, syrup from the juice of the ripe fruit, sugar and aromatics is recommended as a restorative tonic.

Mango Peel: The peel of the fruit contains Pectin (is a complex carbohydrate found in the cell walls of plants). Pectin is effective in treating high cholesterol, high triglycerides, prevent colon cancer, prostate cancer and diabetes.


浸泡和乾燥至 10% 水分含量的種子仁用作家禽飼料。 種子脂肪用於製皂。 樹皮含有單寧,用於皮革工業用於鞣製生皮。樹膠屬樹脂性質,在非洲用於修補陶器。 然而,它被用作阿拉伯膠的替代品。 果肉用於製作果醬、果凍和果汁。 與小麥粉混合的干果汁用於嬰兒食品。

將籽仁浸泡以去除單寧含量後,將其乾燥並製成粉末。 這種粉末與小麥或米粉混合,用於製作麵包,有時也用於製作布丁。



Other uses

The seed kernels soaked and dried to a 10% moisture content is used as poultry feed. The seed fat is used in soap making. The bark contains tannin which is used in the leather industry for tanning hides.The gum, which is resinous in nature, is used to mend crockery in Africa. However, it is used as a substitute for Gum Arabic. Pulp of the fruit is used in jams, jelly and juice. The dried juice mixed with wheat flour is used in baby foods.

After soaking the seed kernel to remove the tannin content, it is dried and powdered.  This powder is mixed with wheat or rice flour and is used to make bread and sometimes pudding.

The fat extracted from the seed is white, tallow, edible and thus is used as a substitute for cocoa butter in chocolate.

Immature mango leaves are cooked and eaten in Indonesia and Philippines.

印度教徒認為芒果樹是梵天神 Prajapati 的轉化。因此,在所有節日、婚姻和宗教場合,入口處都使用芒果葉裝飾。

Kalsha 是用芒果葉製成的。將一壺口用芒果葉裝飾的水和一個塗有涼粉、薑黃和硃砂的椰子放在芒果葉中間供奉。這被稱為完整的投手或 Purnakumbha,象徵著召喚神和女神。








在卡納塔克邦和安得拉邦慶祝的 Ugadi 沒有芒果 pachadi 或一些由生芒果製成的食譜是不完整的。











– 咀嚼嫩葉以避免牙齦出血。這可以減輕牙齒的疼痛。

– 將幾片嫩葉浸泡在水中過夜並喝水。這應該可以幫助糖尿病患者。

– 吃一塊生酸芒果加鹽和蜂蜜,以克服運動不便、便秘和消化不良。

– 吃生芒果片加黑胡椒和蜂蜜,避免黃疸和其他與胃和肝臟有關的疾病。

– 吃芒果加鹽解渴,減少夏季中暑的影響。這就是為什麼在季節期間,在 Ramanavami、HanumaJayati、Gouri thadige 等節日期間,將烤或生芒果果肉與糖、水和荳蔻混合作為飲料(“panaka”)。這種“panaka” ™ 和 Kosambir with Mango 在北部和卡納塔克邦沿海地區春季的上述節日期間非常有名。

– 與成熟芒果相比,生芒果含有更多維生素 C 和 B。在芒果季節,建議每天吃一個生芒果,以促進血液循環。它還有助於克服神經障礙並有助於提高記憶力。

– 在樹上成熟的芒果味道鮮美,能增進食慾。

– 一碗芒果汁和一撮胡椒可作為身體的能量來源,增加皮膚的內在光澤並起到利尿劑的作用。它還可以提高視力和身體的免疫能力。芒果可用於泡菜、酸辣醬、枸杞與日常膳食。孩子們喜歡用芒果和糖製成的果醬。

– 每天服用兩次與酪乳混合的細磨芒果種子有助於患有痔瘡和此類疾病的人。

– 在芒果季節,吃完一個成熟的芒果後喝一杯牛奶。牛奶中的芒果糖和蛋白質有助於改善整體健康。

儘管我相信這些信息相當準確(因為它是每週發布的),但我還沒有嘗試和測試所有這些信息。我在芒果 paank、mango lassi、蛤蜊肉汁、泡菜、sasam、amras、ghashi/rosu/udidmethi、burfi、rasam 等的季節中廣泛使用芒果。

在接下來的幾天裡,我會發布更多芒果食譜(我錯過了五月份芒果的 JFI)。單擊此處查看 JFI 芒果綜述。

Medicinal values of Mango

Hindus consider the mango tree as a transformation of the god Prajapati, the Brahma. Therefore on all festivals, marriages and religious occasions, mango leaves are used in decorating the entrance.

A Kalsha, is prepared with mango leaves. A pitcher of water decorated with mango leaves at its mouth and a coconut smeared with sandal paste, turmeric and vermillion is placed amidst the mango leaves and worshipped. This is called as full pitcher or Purnakumbha which is symbolic of invoking gods and goddesses.

In some communities, the bride and bridegroom have to circumvent a tree before the marriage ceremony. For this purpose the bride smears Mahua (Bassia latifolia) tree with vermilion, circumvents the tree and then embraces it. The bridegroom smears vermillion to the mango tree, circumvents it and then embraces it.

The wood of the tree is considered sacred and is used in Homa/Havan.

It is also used in funeral pyre.

The flowers of the tree are dedicated to the moon. It is considered auspicious to offer flowers to the moon god and the god of love Kamadeva during the Magha Masa.(Feb- March).

Raw mango is used in chutneys, pickles.

Mango wood should never be used for fuel, as its smoke causes irritation.

Mango flowers are used in the worship of goddess Saraswathi.

Ugadi celebrated in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh is incomplete without mango pachadi or some recipe made of raw mango.

According to Vrukshayurveda, it is mentioned that He who plants five or six mango trees attains the abode of Garuda and lives happily forever like gods.

多年來,芒果成為一種家常水果,人們為它唱頌歌。 羅賓德拉納特·泰戈爾(Rabindranath Tagore)非常喜歡芒果,並寫過幾首關於芒果芬芳花朵的詩歌,包括非常有名的 aamer monjori。 傳奇的烏爾都語詩人米爾扎·阿薩杜拉·汗·加利布也是芒果愛好者。 他鄙視那些不和他一樣對水果上癮的人。

如今,芒果的曲線美一直令織工和設計師著迷,已成為印度的標誌性圖案。 芒果被視為好運和繁榮的象徵,在印度的許多地方,芒果葉像托蘭一樣掛在家庭的前門上。

Purnakumbha 是一個裝滿水的鍋,上面放著新鮮的芒果葉和一個椰子。 它被認為是法會的基礎,芒果葉象徵著生命。

Over the ages, the mango became a household fruit and odes were sung in its praise. Rabindranath Tagore was extremely fond of mangoes and has written several poems about the fragrant flowers of mangoes, including the very famous aamer monjori. Legendary Urdu poet Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib was a mango aficionado too; he despised people who didn’t share his addiction for the fruit.

Today, the curvaceous shape of mangoes, which has long held the fascination of weavers and designers, has become an iconic Indian motif. The mango is seen as a symbol of good luck and prosperity and in many parts of India mango leaves are strung up over the front doors of homes as Toran.

Purnakumbha is a pot filled with water and topped with fresh mango leaves and a coconut. It is considered to be the foundation of a puja, with the mango leaves symbolising life.

對許多印度人來說,童年的記憶包括嘗試採摘難以捉摸的芒果的危險嘗試,芒果從果實累累的樹枝上誘人地搖晃著。 每年夏天,芒果在樹上成熟的令人陶醉的氣味和自製 aamras 的天鵝絨般的味道為無數印度家庭帶來幸福。 難怪芒果被稱為水果之王。

隨著艾哈邁達巴德、勒克瑙、阿拉哈巴德、德里和果阿等地慶祝芒果節,印度的芒果已成為夏季的象徵,不亞於一種文化遺產。 著名的芒果種植者 Haji Kalimullah 甚至將一種新品種,即加爾各達的 Husn-e-Aara 和勒克瑙的 Dussehri 的雜交品種命名為“Modi Mango”!

Childhood memories for many Indians include precarious attempts to pick elusive mangoes, dangling enticingly from the branches of fruit laden trees. Every summer, the heady smell of mangoes ripening on trees and the velvety taste of home-made aamras bring happiness to countless Indian homes. It’s no wonder then that the mango is rightfully called the king of fruits.

With mango festivals being celebrated in Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Allahabad, Delhi, and Goa, mangoes in India have become a symbol of summer and are no less than a cultural legacy. Noted mango cultivator Haji Kalimullah has even named a new variety, a cross-breed of Kolkata’s Husn-e-Aara and Lucknow’s Dussehri, as the “Modi Mango” !