
2023【Shakti kriya 能量淨化】


Shakti kriya 能量淨化】
生活的藝術即將發生能量淨化課程Shakti Kriya,很多人不明白這是甚麼課程?

簡單用中國人的說法:天地存有「陰、陽」;Shakti 就是隱性的能量、不被看見的能量。
生活的藝術「淨化呼吸Sudarshan Kriya(Kriya是淨化的活動),淨化呼吸的淨化活動可以淨化掉情緒(心智面)的垃圾,而提升

因緣分、恩典、發生,或說 :

能量淨化Shakti Kriya (Kriya是淨化活動),淨化我們的能量。


很多人不相信「淨化呼吸Sudarshan Kriya」這麼的簡單,
很多人不相信「能量淨化Shakti Kriya」這麼的自然,
更多人不相信緣分就這樣 到了!


我們的耐心 、沉著、穩定、毅力、愛...  都是 Shakti   能量

Swami Genteji 至福尊者在【台中】

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│所有活動的詳情│Google查詢: aolbenice 或 林聰芬


Sri Sri's Message On Guru Purnima 2012

Ishwaro Gururatmeti Murti bheda Vibhagine, Vyomavad vyapta dehaya Dakshinamurataye namah.
(There is no difference between the Guru, Self and God. Obeisance to Lord Dakshinamurthy who is the personification of the Supreme Self that permeates through Space) There is no difference between Guru, Self, and God. These three are One – your Soul, the Guru Tattva and God. And all these three are not the (physical) body. What is their body like? It is like the sky. ‘Vyomavad vyapta dehaya’ (Vyom = Space, Deha = Body, vyapta = to permeate). You are not the body, you are the soul, and the form of the soul is like that of Space. The same is true for the Guru as well. Don’t think of the Guru as the limited physical body. The Guru is the field, the energy which is all permeating; so is the Self. And honoring the Guru is honoring your own Self.

The symbolism here is that the Guru Principle is like a child. There is such sweetness and innocence in the Guru Principle that even Lord Shiva had to give that position to the Guru principle; above Himself, because Karthikeya had said that only in that scenario would he teach the knowledge.
It is like the water is in the well but to take a shower you have to pump it into the tank and only then you can take a shower. Like that a place had to be given. 
Honoring the Guru Principle is so essential in life. When you honor it, you are honoring your Self

So the message in the story is that the Guru Principle is like a child – innocent, intelligent, dignified, yet humble. All the qualities present in an infant are the signs of the Guru Principle. And honoring that is honoring oneself, and honoring life which is what Guru Purnima is – celebrating and honoring the Guru Principle, the wisdom, the knowledge, innocence and love.

So then what did Karthikeya tell Him?
He said, ‘Om means love. You are love, I am love. Everything that is present here is love and is full of it. Love is the essence and the nectar of it all. And all that exists is love.’
This is what Karthikeya said. So the meaning of Om came from that seat.

We have thousands of teachers around the globe, I want them all to remember – Make your life pure, sincere, and you will have no dearth of anything
I have set an example. In all these years, by thought, word or deed I have not done any harm to anybody. I have not said one bad word in all these years (I can’t take credit for it, I am like that). I want you also to handle your life with such delicateness and care. I am just telling you it is possible to live a pure life and still be successful in the world. Only then real success comes; when we tread the path of wisdom.

So, to all the thousands of teachers remember to be humble. Be royal, humble and dignified. Humility doesn’t mean being weak. Anybody can be very humble and weak. And anybody can be stiff and dignified. But you should have dignity with humility, compassion with strength, innocence with intelligence, playfulness with wisdom, and purity with character.


I will tell you a beautiful story from the Puranas.

Lord Shiva is the Guru of the entire creation. He is the Guru of all the Devas (Gods). He
is called 
Adiguru – the Guru present from the beginning of time, and the Guru that is
beyond time. 

So, when Lord Shiva had a son – Karthikeya, he was sent to school to study and receive education from Lord Brahma.
Narayanam Padmabhavam – Lord Brahma is Padmabhavam (One who is seated on a Lotus). Lord Brahma is also a Guru, and his Guru is Lord Narayana (Lord Vishnu), and Lord Shiva is the Guru of Lord Narayana. So just like how a mother and father send their child to school, or a Gurukul, Lord Shiva sent his son to Lord Brahma to study and receive knowledge.

So when Karthikeya went to Lord Brahma, he asked him, ‘Please tell me the meaning of Om'. 
Lord Brahma said, ‘First learn the alphabets! You are directly asking for the meaning of Om'.
Karthikeya said, ‘No, I want to know the highest knowledge first'.
Now Lord Brahma knew all about the alphabets, but he did not know the meaning of Om (the primordial sound). This is because his knowledge was limited to the ‘A’ part of Om. The ‘U’ sound belonged to Lord Vishnu, and ‘M’ sound belonged to Lord Shiva. So, Lord Brahma did not completely know about Om.
So Karthikeya said to Lord Brahma, ‘You do not know the meaning of Om, how will you teach me? I will not study under you.’ And Karthikeya went back to his father.
Lord Brahma told Lord Shiva, ‘You alone can handle your son. I can’t handle him. Whatever I say, he says the exact opposite of that. I won’t be able to teach him. So you decide what is best and handle him'.

Hearing this, Lord Shiva asked Karthikeya, ‘What happened, son? Lord Brahma is the creator of the entire universe. You must learn from him’.
To this Karthikeya replied, ‘Then you tell me what is the meaning of Om?’
Hearing this, Lord Shiva smiled and said, ‘Even I don’t know.’
Karthikeya then said, ‘Then I will tell you because I know the meaning of Om’.
‘Then tell me the meaning, since you know it’, Lord Shiva said.
‘I can’t tell you like this. You have to give me the place of the Guru. Only if you put me on the pedestal of the Guru can I tell you’, said Karthikeya.
Guru means he has to be on a higher position or platform. The teacher has to sit on a higher place and the student has to sit down and listen to him.

Now how does this get resolved? Where to seat Karthikeya, for there is nothing above Lord Shiva! He is the highest. He is higher than Mount Kailasa (heavenly abode of Lord Shiva) itself. Even Mount Kailasa is a seat below Him. What to do? Lord Shiva too didn’t know what to do. Then Goddess Parvati (Shiva’s consort) said to Lord Shiva, ‘You lift him onto your shoulders'.
So Lord Shiva lifted him on his shoulders and kept him high. And in the ear of Lord Shiva, Karthikeya gave him the meaning of the ultimate truth – What is Om? The meaning of Om!


寂靜之聲The sound of silence


Hello darkness, my old friend

你好 黑暗 我的老朋友
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
我豎起衣領 抵禦嚴寒和潮濕
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dare disturb the sound of silence

"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows”
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach to you
But my words like silent as raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made.
鞠躬 祈禱And the sign flashed out its warning
And the words that it was forming
And the sign said:
"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
and tenement halls
And whispered in the sound of silence."

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams, I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light, I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never shared
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words, like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
Then the sign said, "The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls
In tenement halls"
And whispered in the sound of silence


自體免疫 9 個月的降火

 BENICE 你的活命守則


2 蝦,蟹
3 紅肉 (我是素食者)
4 甜食
5 水多的水果( 寒性)
6 帶毛的水果( 奇異果,水蜜桃,桃子,紅毛丹,)
7  牛奶/起司/酸奶/乳酪/優格
8  雞蛋/ 鹹鴨蛋/皮蛋
9   咖啡因的東西( 咖啡,茶. 可樂)

10 麻油,果油, 大豆油,葡萄籽油, ( 歐米茄6 發炎)
11 醋,酵素
12 發酵食物( 醃菜,醃冬瓜,)
13 油炸豆類( 蠶豆, 綠豆仁, 炸豆腐丸子)
14 油炸品/不乾淨的油
15 甜菜根, 紫高,紅麴
16 泡麵, 零食, 洋芋片
17 增強免疫的食品
18 茄科的( 茄子/蕃茄/青椒/紅黃椒/青龍)
20 特定的香料( 丁香, 葫蘆巴子, 辣薑黃,芥菜子)

發炎>>> 過敏>>>自體免疫失調>>>
9 個月 還您健康



Gurudev has told to listen to this before you go to sleep. Madalas - Markendaya Purana 😇  @Gyanoday event that happened on the Republic day in Mumbai

In Markandeya purana there is this lullaby called Madalasa Upadesha. The story is that Madalasa was an enlightened Queen who gave birth to a child. When the child cried, instead of diverting the child's attention with various objects she chose to introduce him to the Truth. And that truth is sung in the form of a sweet lullaby which is called madalasa upadesha or madalasa putra upadesha. 

The mother is said to be "madalasa" which literally means one who has won over alasa or laziness. One may take it to be the Mother Sruthi teaching all of us. We are all children because we cry. Anyone who cries is a child. And we cry for various reasons. when a child cries, its because it feels unhappy about something. Here the mother is not trying to divert the child's attention by showing it a few toys. She directly teaches it the Truth which is really a joy to listen to. As we see the teaching, we will also try and see how the teaching is really an aid for us to "Just Be".

Verse 1 : 

शुद्धोसि बुद्धोसि निरँजनोऽसि
सँसारमाया परिवर्जितोऽसि
सँसारस्वप्नँ त्यज मोहनिद्राँ
मँदालसोल्लपमुवाच पुत्रम्।

Madalasa says to her crying son:
"You are pure, Enlightened, and spotless.
Leave the illusion of the world
and wake up from this deep slumber of delusion."

Verse 2 :

शुद्धोऽसि रे तात न तेऽस्ति नाम
कृतँ हि तत्कल्पनयाधुनैव।
पच्चात्मकँ देहँ इदँ न तेऽस्ति 
नैवास्य त्वँ रोदिषि कस्य हेतो॥

My Child, you are Ever Pure! You do not have a name. A name is only an imaginary superimposition on you.
This body made of five elements is not you nor do you belong to it. This being so, what can be a reason for your crying ?

Verse 3:
न वै भवान् रोदिति विक्ष्वजन्मा
शब्दोयमायाध्य महीश सूनूम्। 
विकल्पयमानो विविधैर्गुणैस्ते
गुणाश्च भौताः सकलेन्दियेषु॥

The essence of the universe does not cry in reality. All is a maya of words, oh Prince! Please understand this. The various qualities you seem to have are are just your imaginations, they belong to the elements that make the senses (and have nothing to do with you).

Verse 4 : 

भूतनि भूतैः परिदुर्बलानि
वृद्धिँ समायाति यथेह पुँसः।
अन्नाम्बुपानादिभिरेव तस्मात्
न तेस्ति वृद्धिर् न च तेस्ति हानिः॥

The Elements [that make this body] grow with accumulation of more elements or reduce in size if some elements are taken away. This is what is seen in a body's growing in size or becoming lean depending upon the consumption of food, water etc. You do not have growth or decay.

Verse 5 : 

त्वम् कँचुके शीर्यमाणे निजोस्मिन् 
तस्मिन् देहे मूढताँ मा व्रजेथाः।
शुभाशुभौः कर्मभिर्देहमेतत्
मृदादिभिः कँचुकस्ते पिनद्धः॥

You are in the body which is like a jacket that gets worn out day by day. Do not have the wrong notion that you are the body. This body is like a jacket that you are tied to, for the frutification of the good and bad karmas.

Verse 6 : 
तातेति किँचित् तनयेति किँचित् 
अँबेति किँचिद्धयितेति किँचित्।
ममेति किँचित् न ममेति किँचित्
त्वम् भूतसँघँ बहु म नयेथाः॥

Some may refer to you are Father and some others may refer to you a Son or
some may refer to you as mother and some one else may refer to you as wife.
some say "you are mine" and some others say "you are not mine"
These are all references to this "Combination of Physical Elements", Do not identify with them.

Verse 7 :

सुखानि दुःखोपशमाय भोगान्
सुखाय जानाति विमूढचेताः।
तान्येव दुःखानि पुनः सुखानि 
जानाति विद्धनविमूढचेताः॥

The deluded look at objects of enjoyments as giving happiness by removing the unhappiness. The wise clearly see that the same object which gives happiness now will become a source of unhappiness.

Verse 8 : 

यानँ चित्तौ तत्र गतश्च देहो
देहोपि चान्यः पुरुषो निविष्ठः।
ममत्वमुरोया न यथ तथास्मिन्
देहेति मात्रँ बत मूढरौष।

The vehicle that moves on the ground is different from the person in it similarly this body is also different from the person who is inside!
The owner of the body is different from the body! Ah how foolish it is to think I am the body!
