



克里希納與好友 蘇達瑪----印度聖典故事


克里希納成為一個國王,蘇達瑪卻是一個非常窮的人,他一無所有。一天, 蘇達瑪的妻子告訴他 :看 ! 克里希納是你非常親密親愛的好友。你為什麼不去找他尋求一些幫助

他讓他安座在自己的王位上。然後克里希納問蘇達瑪 :你為我帶來了什麼?來吧!克里希納總是調皮,他總喜歡開玩笑。所以他說,你帶來了什麼呀?他知道他自己很害羞,他想要把帶來的米糠餅藏起來。我怎麼能供奉這些米糠餅?蘇達瑪自問..,隨後克里希納就逮著,抓住它了,他接著把那米糠餅全塞進他自己的嘴巴裡了。老朋友相見是如此的喜悅,蘇達瑪甚至忘了要要求任何東西,忘了他是為什麼來見克里希納的,而克里希納也忘記送他任何東西!








Sri Sri bolger krishna-sudama/  ( English)

Sudama was one of the friends who studied with Krishna.

Krishna became a king, and Sudama was a very poor man, He did not have anything at all. And once Sudama’s wife told him, “See, Krishna is your very close friend, dear friend. Why don’t you go and ask him for some help?” Sudama was a little shy, “How can I ask a friend for something? I don’t feel like doing it.” But when there was no other way to go, he decided to meet Krishna. There is a custom in India that when you go to meet somebody, you don’t go empty-handed. So what could he take? He had nothing. His clothes were torn. He was so poor! And then at home, he had few rice krispies. So he packed them in a piece of cloth and took them to Krishna.

He entered the palace, it was gorgeous and beautifully decorated. Krishna was sitting on his throne, and there were so many servants around. And the moment he saw Sudama, he rushed down, and washed his feet and offered him his own seat. He put him on the throne. And then Krisha asked Sudama, “What have you brought for me? Come on!” Krishna is always mischievous, he would make fun all the time. So he said, “What have you brought?” He knew that he was so shy, that he was trying to hide his rice krispies. “How I can offer these rice krispies?” asked Sudama, But then Krishna grabbed hold of it and caught on, and then he went on stuffing it in his mouth. The joy of meeting his old friend was so much that Sudama even forgot to ask anything and forgo why he had come to meet his friend and Krishna forgot to give him anything! They both forgot!  

When two souls meet in such deep friendship, they forget everything.

Sudama thanked Krishna and left the palace. And it is said, when Sudama went back to his home, he found his whole house was transformed, and he had all the riches in his house. His wife was very happy. Somebody had come with a lot of gifts. Without asking and without giving.

So it’s said, from any angle you see there is a totality, there is a uniqueness in Krishna’s personality.

And that is to indicate that you are like that. Your innermost Self has all the qualities in it, like a ray of sun has all the colors in it. Through a prism, all the colors get manifested. But the same ray of light through a black or blue or red glass reflects only that particular color. But through a prism, the rainbow comes out. And Krishna was such a prism, so clear, so full of joy. It’s wrong to say Krishna was. Krishna is, because it is the eternal presence that is never lost.

Krishna says “Though I am in the body, I am not this body. Though I am working through the mind, I am not the mind. I am not what you see me as. I am much more than what you perceive me as. I am present in your heart as you. And anytime you need me, you call me, I’ll be right there with you, to take you out of your troubles and difficulties. You can always count on me.” 


為什麼要敬拜祖先?~ 古儒吉大師談話

這整個宇宙是由靈性, 梵所瀰漫,但程度不同。










Pitras (先祖
) ~古儒吉大師2016/9/11
The subtle Brahman is only one, yet it is not one. The subtle consciousness has many layers to it.The spirit is one, yet it is many.The whole universe is permeated by the spirit, by Brahman, yet to different degrees.

For example, stones have life and gender. As anthropologists and biologists know that plants and trees can be male or female, so too can be stones. The ancient people of every culture knew this. The Shilpis (stone masons) in India know how to identify which stone is male and which is female. The Native Americans choose certain stones for their worship and prayer program. They do the same in Kauai, Hawaii.

Stones have one unit of life.

Water has got two units of life.

Fire has three units of life.

Air has four units of life.

Space has five units of life.

Trees have six units of life.

Animals have seven units of life.

Human beings have eight units of life, and are known as, ashtavasu.

Superhuman blossomed beings, who do extraordinary work, whether it be very good or very bad, have in nine units of life.

Furthermore, humans can develop up to sixteen units of life. When we die we become more powerful in some way. We go between nine and ten units of life.This is strange, but true.That is why ancestors are worshiped. The moment this body drops, the spirit has become free, without boundaries, and nothing can stop it. The spirit moves around freely. If it is bound in the body, you have only eight units of life, you can only reach out to some.When you have nine units, you have a little more power, but if you die, then you have access to the ninth and tenth units, so you gain much more access to the planet. That is why ancestors have the capacity to bless you. They have more ‘life’ than you, because their spirit, freed from the limited body, can know; can cognize; can bless you. You can feel their presence. So when you pray to them, they can grant you certain boons. They1 are able to bestow unto you to whatever extent they are powerful. Ancestral worship can be found from China to Latin American countries.

In the Christian tradition, there is All Soul’s day, where you respect the souls and ask for their blessings. This is one of the reasons why bodies are buried behind a church; to make that place more powerful. Ancestors have got one more unit of power, and are called Pitras
~~~ Sri Sri ravi shankar