


約瑟夫·馬吉德(Youssef Majeed)在內戰中倖存下來,頭腦中有一顆子彈,經歷家中破產和死亡事件。約瑟夫17歲的時候,穿過頭部的子彈,使他失去了腳的行動力。他坐在輪椅上,但你永遠不會遇到一個比他更自由的人!當數百萬人撤離敘利亞時,這名男子正進入戰亂風暴的中心,向最蹂躪的人們傳播快樂。作為生活的藝術老師,他會去敘利亞最受蹂躪的地區,教他們瑜珈和呼吸技術,以及創傷復原和壓力管理技巧。

在與Samhitha Gomatam桑吉妲的坦率採訪中,Majeed馬吉德分享了他非常迷人的生命故事,就在他下一次南部敘利亞進行為期十天任務之前的訪問。



我在朋友的家裡遇到了菲利普。他介紹我學習了淨化呼吸Sudarshan Kriya,所以我想試一試。在第一天,進行一些呼吸練習後,我回家,睡覺像一個嬰兒般!我第二天跑到中心去了!我在kriya呼吸法之後感到非常開心,並且在課程中擁抱每個人!三年來,我生活似乎一直隴罩著一片烏雲。我感覺不到愛或快樂。我可以再次感受到愛。在我生命中那真是一個重新出發的點,我現在能做甚麼?














你知道這個地區有這麼多偉大的聖徒和思想家。你聽說過Rumi魯米嗎?Khalil Gibran哈立勒吉.布蘭? Shams Tabrizi?這是我最喜歡大不裡士Tabriz的40則愛的簽言 - “理智和愛是由不同的材料構成的。理智將人連結成一體,並沒有任何冒險,但愛溶解所有的糾纏並會經歷風險。

DW 中東的媒體怎麼紀錄他

(好友Youssef ,在我們的義工組織與我同期一樣有17年多的時間,他在敘利亞內戰區域,教導許多「淨化呼吸」,帶給受戰亂流迫害及流離失所的人快樂。未受傷前,他是一個非常優秀的専業瑜珈教師及藝術家。受傷後,他仍保有生命勇氣,仍然用灰諧幽默的氣氛教導生活的藝術的瑜珈。
瑜珈更是生命的勇氣!     )

An amazing experience and interview with an Art of Living teacher from Lebanon. Read on and stay inspired...

Youssef Majeed has survived 2 civil wars, a bullet in the head, bankruptcy and deaths in the family. Shot at in his head at the age of 17, Youssef Majeed, pulled through, but lost all mobility in his legs. He’s bound by a wheelchair, but you’ll never meet a freer man! While millions are evacuating Syria, this man is making inroads into the centre of the storm to spread happiness to its war-ravaged people. As faculty with the Art of Living, he is going to some of the most devastated regions of Syria, teaching them yoga and breathing techniques for trauma management and stress relief.

In a candid interview with the Samhitha Gomatam, Majeed shares his very fascinating life story, right before he sets off on his next mission to Southern Syria for a ten day tour.

The path is lit!

It was in 2000 that I first did the Art of Living Happiness Program. That was actually a very hard time for me. I had lost three members of my family within one year, and although I’d seen a lot of war, this was a big blow for me. I was nearly bankrupt. I had to take care of my two daughters and I had no idea how I was going to manage. I could barely sleep at night.

I met Philip at a friend’s house. He asked me to learn the Sudarshan Kriya, so I thought I’ll give it a try. After some breathing exercises on the first day, I went home and slept like a baby! I was running to go to the center on the second day! I was so happy after the kriya that I went and hugged everyone in the program! For three years it seemed like I was living with a dark cloud. I couldn’t feel love or happiness. I could feel love again. And that was really the starting point for what I’m able to do now in my life.

For a long time in my life I was absolutely resentful. I used to keep asking ‘Why me? Why do I have to face all this? It’s been so rough for me.’ But when I was training to be a teacher with the Art of Living, we did this one process and I saw my whole life flashing in front of me. In that moment I understood that I had to go through all of that in order for me to be here now, to do what I must do now. My path opened itself for me, and I knew that Gurudev was the one who was going to guide me on this path.

On why he risks his life to go into a country that everyone else is rushing to get out of.

So many have asked me about this! My family, friends, and Syrians themselves ask why I’m there. And I have no concrete explanation to give, except that there’s something from deep inside me, telling me that I need to be there. I just know that it’s my time to go there. You know, after one of my courses in Damascus, this one lady came to me and said, “Thank God you came. If you hadn’t given me this experience I was going to commit suicide.” Her husband and her father have been missing for more than a year now and she has seen quite a lot of violence in her neighbourhood. I have to go for all of these people.

I think I’ve always been like this. It’s in my nature to help people. I was barely in my teens when the civil war broke out in Lebanon. But even then I was a volunteer in my area helping all the injured people.

Gurudev once said, “I don’t want you to talk about me. I want you to return happiness to the hearts of people. See that they’re all smiling.” I’ll never forget this. I worked in Lebanese prisons when I first became an Art of Living teacher. After an 8 day program, a prisoner came and told me, “I feel more free than I’ve ever felt when I was outside the prison.” Isn’t that a wonderful feeling for a prisoner?

I always call Gurudev before I leave for Syria. I tell him, ‘Gurudev, I’m planning to go to Syria. Should I go?’ He always says, ‘Go! Go now!’ That’s it. That gives me all the strength I need.

On his experiences of teaching in the midst of all the destruction

Sometimes in the middle of courses, we can hear bombings happen nearby. The building we’re in starts shaking. I can see that people are very frightened. But I immediately ask my participants to take their attention to their breath, and that calms them down. Many people fall in love with the workshops. They’re able to feel happiness and love despite being in such a situation. Many of them are now more accepting of the situation they’re in.

I organised the first Art of Living workshop in 2012 in Tartous, to the north of Syria. There were only 6 people then. I told them that I’ll come back in 2 weeks to take another workshop if they gather more people. Within those two weeks, explosions killed 600 people in that small area. They had lost everything. No hospitals, no roads, no buildings. Despite many warnings that it might still be dangerous to go there, I went back. And this time nearly 60 people showed up. By the end of three days, there was so much happiness. I took their pictures and sent them to all those who had warned me not to go back. It’s definitely worth it to see those beautiful smiles on their faces.

Many times people ask me, why is it that you do this when you don’t make any money out of it? All I can say is, when you’ve experienced what I’ve experienced, you’ll know. I can’t explain it, but it’s the most wonderful feeling, like I’m in the right place doing the right thing. When I’m taking these programs in Syria, I don’t experience hunger or thirst! I have barely 5 minutes for a bathroom break in the entire day and I can keep going!

He has some life advice for the rest of us!

The secret behind a good life is to be able to live with the purity of children, the courage of young people and the wisdom of the old. That’s how I can connect with everyone, no matter where they’re from!

If you’ve still got a problem, you should go into the kitchen. Play with the smells and the textures and the colours. It’ll bring you into the present moment. In fact cooking is my meditation! It gives me so much peace. I feel so alive when I’m in the kitchen. That’s where I send all my students when they come complaining about something!

On how he wants to be remembered

You know there’s so many great saints and thinkers from this region. Have you heard of Rumi? Khalil Gibran? Shams Tabrizi? Here’s my favourite quote from Tabrizi’s 40 rules of love- ”Intellect and love are made of different materials. Intellect ties people in knots and risks nothing, but love dissolves all tangles and risks everything.” Every time you come across Shams Tabrizi, I want you to think of me!

#Syria #ArtofLiving #SriSriRaviShankar

