
Dark Matter Mentioned In Rig Veda by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

在梨具吠陀Rig veda中說到:在最開始時候就只是黑暗,


What is matter and what is anti matter? Energy consolidated is matter; matter getting back to its energy state is antimatter, and dark matter is which has everything in it, but doesn’t appear, that is dark matter. In the Rig veda, it is said in the beginning, the darkness was covered by darkness and this line was not be understood by anybody;philosopher said that must be something, and these great scholars thought they could not understand, but today, sicient said it is dark matter and dark energy that was sent one up in the whole universe and that’s why all the heavenly bodies look spherical. The energy around the sun is so tick and so powerful, so big and that’s why Sun looks like this in a spherical shape like in a bottle of water if an air bubble is trapped, the air bubble is round, is spherical, right in that means the water pressure and the air pressure is making sun of a spherical, that is what you don’t see is much more powerful than what you see. Are you listening what you don’t see is much more powerful than what you see, and this is what our ancient people have said all the time. Lord Krishina said in the Gita, the unmanifest is the cause of this manifest; this manifest is only the middle. Unmanifested surrounds them and all the manifest will also get back to that unmanifest.

Dark Matter Mentioned In Rig Veda What Makes Miracles Possible! | Gurudev on Christmas 看!這整個宇宙都是能量,對嗎? 所以整個宇宙都是
你們都在嗎?所以啊... 宇宙是一個,在你的生命裡面也是一個。 身體有能量,生物能量,你知道它在氧氣中存活下來。 如果你穿上或你被裝在一個玻璃容器或木頭裡,我不認為當氧氣耗竭後你還能活著。
因此,你心臟中的這個核心,你知道,這是永恆的火焰。   那是purushattam。 Purushattam在至上的存在中,及當你的生命與心臟中的光合一時。
所有的奇蹟都是可能的。 而那沒有外在,也沒有內在,它就是一!
那就是生命的終極目標,去與外在的光線連接起來,它甚至不曾相連。 去了解我是這無限光的一部分,有一個梵天在你生命的內在

See! The whole universe is energy, right?
So the whole universe is one light!
Energy if you want to talk in term of light, the whole universe is one light and then your life is the energy, your life is a light.
Are you with me? Yeah, so...
Universe is one light, inside that your life that is one light.
Body has enery, bioenergy, you know and it’s survives on oxygen..
If you putting in, if you are engaged encased in a glass or as a wood, I wouldn’t think you will not scurvies after oxygen exhaust.
so Your life is like, like a flame which survives on oxygen.

So, also your view, so our life energy or bio energy, or whatever you call it, your life is a light. And inside that, inside this life, the flame called life, there is another lamp, another light.
In core of your heart, there is a light, again, it is energy, don’t think okay I close my eyes, then now, that you will image it.
So, this core of your heart, this light in the core of your heart, you know, this is eternal flame.
That is purushattam.
Purushattam in the superior being and when your life becomes one with the light in your heart, the all miracle are possible in life.
And there is no outer, there is no inner, it is all one!

And that’s the very goal of life, to connect with the outer light, it’s not even connected.
To realize I’m part of this infinite light, there is a Brahman in the inner core of your life.

What Makes Miracles Possible! | Gurudev on 2018 Christmas

