
Hanuman chalisa 特別【日蝕唱誦】


“Nase rog hare sab peera,
japat nirantar Hanumant beera”

哈努曼(Hanuman)是力量和勇氣的上乘者,可以消除疾病,恐懼和消極情緒。Hanuman is the bestower of strength and courage and takes away illnesses, fears and negativity.




When Sun ,moon and Earth are in one line.
There is a different cosmic energy pattern that happens.
And That time is good for meditation,chanting, Japa all this.
Mind is connected to moon,body is connected to Earth,and Sun is connected to both, and everthing is aligning.
It’s good for spiritual practice.
Not good for eating and doing all that stuffs.
Not good for pleasure at that time.
Good for conserve Energy.

If you wish to, you can light 11 lamps during this Anushthan, 1 at the end of every Hanuman Chalisa recitation. Dedicating each lamp with a prayer for the Self, your loved one, the Nation & World.

Chanting during an eclipse brings benefits manifold and since ancient times Mass Chanting has always been considered more powerful.

Lets come together and feel the surge of energy with this mass chanting.

Do encourage others to join in for this Mega Event which is going to create a wave of positivity.
They can register on the below link:


Hanuman Chalisa | Chanting For World Peace | Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Eclipse 2020


Hanuman Chalisa ( sattva- Bhavini Vyas)

the art of Living

Significance of Hanuman Chalisa

Hanuman Chalisa is a timeless ode to devotion Lord Hanuman is known for his devotion to Lord Ram and is considered to be the embodiment of faith, surrender, and devotion.  

The 'Hanuman Chalisa' is composed by Saint Goswami Tulsidas, the author of the Tulsi Ramayana (Ramacharitamanasa). It is believed that an ailing Tulsidas composed the Hanuman Chalisa. Composing and singing the praises of Lord Hanuman, helped Tulsidas regain his health.

Composed of 40 verses filled with praises for Lord Hanuman, the Hanuman Chalisa is composed in Avadhi. This dialect of Hindi was spoken in Ayodhya, Lord Rama’s birthplace. 

Hanuman Chalisa 的意義

Hanuman Chalisa 是一首永恆奉獻頌歌 Hanuman 勳爵以其對 Ram 勳爵的忠誠虔敬而聞名,被認為是信仰、臣服和虔敬奉獻的化身。

'Hanuman Chalisa' 由 Tulsi Ramayana (Ramacharitamanasa) 的作者 Saint Goswami Tulsidas 創作。 據信,哈努曼·查利薩 (Hanuman Chalisa) 是生病的圖爾西達 (Tulsidas) 創作的。 創作和歌唱哈努曼勳爵的讚美詩,幫助圖爾西達斯恢復健康。

Hanuman Chalisa 由 40 節充滿讚美哈努曼勳爵的詩句組成,是用阿瓦迪語Avadhi創作的。 這種印地語Hindi方言在羅摩勳爵的出生地阿約提亞Ayodhya,使用。

Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics & the meaning

To have a deeper understanding of this hymn, devotees absorb the essence of each word. 

Hanuman Chalisa 歌詞及意思



Sri Guru Charan Saroj Raj, Nij Mann Mukuru Sudhaari.
Barnaun Raghuvar Bimal Jasu, Jo Daayaku Phal Chaari.

Having polished the mirror of my heart with the dust of my Guru's lotus feet, I recite the divine fame of the greatest king of Raghukul dynasty, which bestows us with the fruit of all the four efforts.

Buddhiheen Tanu Janike, Sumiraun Pawan-Kumar.
Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesh Bikaar.

Knowing that this mind of mine has less intelligence, I remember the ‘Son of Wind’ who, granting me strength, wisdom, and all kinds of knowledge, removes all my suffering and shortcomings.

Jai Hanuman Gyan Gunn Sagar. Jai Kapees Tihun Lok Ujaagar.
Ramdoot Atulit Baldhama. Anjani-Putra Pawansut Naama.

Victory to Lord Hanuman, the ocean of wisdom and virtue. Victory to the Lord who is supreme among the monkeys, illuminator of the three worlds.
You are Lord Rama's emissary,‌ the abode of matchless power, Mother Anjani's son, and also popular as the ‘Son of the Wind’.

哈努曼勳爵的勝利,智慧和美德的海洋。 勝利歸於猴中至尊,三界光明主。


"Mahaveer Vikram Bajrangi. Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangi.
Kanchan Baran Biraj Subesa. Kaanan Kundal Kunchit Kesa."

Great hero, You are as mighty as a thunderbolt. You remove evil intellect and are the companion of those having good ones.
Your skin is golden in color and You are adorned with beautiful clothes. You have adorning earrings in Your ears and Your hair is curly and thick. 

偉大的英雄,你如雷霆萬鈞。 你去除邪惡的智力,是那些擁有善良智慧的人的伴侶。

你的皮膚是金色的,你穿著漂亮的衣服。 你的耳朵上有裝飾性的耳環,你的頭髮捲曲而濃密。

Haath Braj Au Dhwaja Biraaje. Kaandhe Moonj Janeu Saaje.
Shankar Suvan Kesarinandan. Tej Prataap Maha Jag Bandan.

In Your hands, shine a mace and a flag of righteousness. A sacred thread adorns Your right shoulder.
You are the embodiment of Lord Shiva and vanar-raj Kesari's son. There is no limit or end to Your glory, Your magnificence. The whole Universe worships You.

在你的手中,閃耀著權杖和正義的旗幟。 一條神聖的線裝飾著你的右肩。

你是濕婆神和 vanar-raj Kesari 兒子的化身。 你的榮耀、你的壯麗沒有界限或終結。 整個宇宙都崇拜你。

Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chaatur. Ram Kaaj Karibe Ko Aatur. 
Prabhu Charitra Sunibe Ko Rasiya. Ram Lakhan Sita Mann Basiya.

You are the wisest of the wise, virtuous and (morally) clever. You are always eager to do Lord Rama's works.
You feel extremely delighted in listening to Lord Rama's doings and conduct. Lord Rama, Mother Sita, and Lord Laxmana dwell forever in Your heart.

你是智者中最睿智的,品德高尚且(道德上)聰明。 你總是渴望做拉瑪勳爵的工作。

聆聽主羅摩的所作所為,你會感到非常高興。 Rama 勳爵、Sita 母親和 Laxmana 勳爵永遠住在您的心中。

Sukshma Roop Dhari Siyanhi Dikhawa. Bikat Roop Dhari Lanka Jarawa.
Bheem Roop Dhari Asura Sanghare. Ramchandra Ke Kaaj Sanware.

Taking the subtle form, You appeared in front of Mother Sita. And, taking the formidable form, You burnt the Lanka (Ravana's kingdom).
Taking the massive form (like that of Bheema), You slaughtered the demons. This is how, You completed Lord Rama's tasks, successfully.

尤以微妙的形式出現在悉多Sita母親面前。 並且,以強大的形式,你燒毀了蘭卡Lanka(Ravana 的王國)。

以巨大的形式(如 Bheema 的形式),你屠殺了惡魔。 就這樣,您成功地完成了拉瑪勳爵的任務。

Laaye Sanjeevan Lakhana Jiyaaye. Sri Raghuveer Harashi Urr Laaye.
Raghupati Keenhi Bahut Badai. Tum Mum Priya, Bhartahi Sum Bhai.

Bringing the magic-herb (sanjivani), You revived Lord Laxmana. Raghupati, Lord Rama praised .

You greatly and overflowing in gratitude, said that You are a dear brother to Him just as Bharat is.
帶著魔法藥草 (sanjivani),你復活了 Laxmana 勳爵。 Raghupati,主 Rama 極大地讚美了你

你感激不盡,說你是他親愛的兄弟,就像 Bharat 一樣

Sahas Badan Tumharo Jas Gaave. Asa Kahi Sripati Kanth Lagaave. 
Sankaadik Brahmadi Munisa. Narad Sarad Sahit Aheesa.

Saying this, Lord Rama drew You to Himself and embraced you. Sages like Sanaka, Gods like Brahma and sages like Narada and even the thousand-mouthed serpent sing Your fame!
Sanak, Sanandan and the other Rishis and great saints; Brahma - the god, Narada, Saraswati - the Mother Divine and the King of serpents sing Your glory.

Jam Kuber Digpal Jahan Te. Kabi Kobid Kahi Sake Kahan Te. 
Tum Upkaar Sugreevahi Keenha. Ram Milaaye Raj-Pad Deenha.

Yama, Kubera and the guardians of the four quarters; poets and scholars - none can express Your glory.
You helped Sugriva by introducing Him to Lord Rama and regaining his crown. Therefore, You gave Him the Kingship (the dignity of being called a king).

說這話時,拉瑪勳爵將你吸引到他自己身邊並擁抱了你。 沙那迦等聖人,梵天等天神,那羅陀等聖人,連千口蛇都歌頌您的名聲!

Sanak、Sanandan 和其他 Rishis 和偉大的聖人; Brahma - 神、Narada、Saraswati - 神聖之母和蛇王歌唱你的榮耀。

Tumharo Mantra Bibhishan Maana. Lankeshwar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaana. 
Yug Sahastra Jojan Par Bhanu. Leelyo Taahi Madhur Phal Jaanu.

Likewise, complying with Your preachings, even Vibhishana became the King of Lanka.
You swallowed the sun, located thousands of miles away, mistaking it to be a sweet, red fruit! 



Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukh Maahi. Jaladhi Laandhi Gaye Achraj Naahi. 
Durgam Kaaj Jagat Ke Jete. Sugam Anugrah Tumhare Tete.

Keeping the ring in Your mouth, which was given to You by Lord Rama, you crossed over the Ocean, to no astonishment, whatsoever.
All difficult tasks of this world become easy, with Your grace.



Ram Duaare Tum Rakhvare. Hott Na Aagya Binu Paisare.
Sab Sukh Lahe Tumhari Sarna. Tum Rakshak Kahu Ko Dar Na.

You are the guardian at Lord Rama's door. Nobody can move forward without Your permission which means that Lord Rama's darshans (to get the sight of) are possible only with Your blessings.
Those who take refuge in You, find all the comforts and happiness. When we have a protector like You, we do not need to get scared of anybody or anything.

你是拉瑪勳爵門口的守護者。 沒有您的許可,沒有人可以進入,這意味著只有在您的祝福下,羅摩勳爵的恩賜(達善) darshans(獲得內視力)才有可能。

那些皈依您的人,會找到所有的舒適和幸福。 當我們有像您這樣的保護者時,我們就不需要害怕任何人或任何事。

Aapan Tej Samharo Aape. Teeno Lok Haank Te Kaampe.
Bhoot Pishaach Nikat Nahi Aavein. Mahaveer Jab Naam Sunaave." 

You alone can withstand Your magnificence. All the three worlds start trembling at one roar of Yours.
O Mahaveer! No ghosts or evil spirits come near the ones who remember Your name. Therefore, just remembering Your name does everything!

你單獨能承受你自己的偉大。 三個世界都在你的一聲怒吼中開始顫抖。

大君(大使者)啊! 沒有鬼魂或邪靈能靠近那些記得你名字的人。 因此,只要記住你的名字就可以了!

Naase Rog Hare Sab Peera. Japat Nirantar Hanumat Beera. 
Sankat Te Hanuman Churave. Mann Kram Vachan Dhyaan Jo Laave.

O Hanuman! All diseases and all kinds of pain get eradicated when one recites or chants Your name. Therefore, chanting Your name regularly is considered to be very significant.

Whoever meditates upon or worships You with thought, word, and deed, gets freedom from all kinds of crisis and affliction.

 哈奴曼啊! 當一個人背誦或唱誦您的名字時,所有疾病和各種痛苦都會被根除。 因此,經常念誦您的名字被認為是非常有意義的。


Sab Par Ram Tapasvi Raja. Tin Ke Kaaj Sakal Tum Saaja.
Aur Manorath Jo Koi Laave. Soi Amit Jivan Phal Paave.

Lord Rama is the greatest Ascetic amongst all the Kings. But, it's only You who carried out all the tasks of Lord Sri Rama.
One who comes to You with any longing or a sincere desire obtains the abundance of the manifested fruit, which remains undying throughout life.

拉瑪勳爵是所有國王中最偉大的苦行者。 但是,只有您完成了主 Sri Rama 的所有任務。


Chaaron Yug Partap Tumhara. Hai Parsidh Jagat Ujiyara. 
Saadhu-Sant Ke Tum Rakhvare. Asur Nikandan Ram Dulaare." 

Your splendor fills all the Four Ages. And, Your glory is renowned throughout the world.
You are the guardian of saints and sages; the destroyer of demons and adored by Lord Rama.

你的輝煌充滿了所有四個時代。 而且,你的榮耀舉世聞名。

您是聖賢的守護者; 惡魔的毀滅者,受到拉瑪勳爵的崇拜。

Ashta Siddhi Nau Nidhi Ke Daata. As Var Deen Janaki Mata. 
Ram Rasayan Tumhare Paasa. Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Daasa.

You have been blessed by Mother Janaki to give boon further, to the deserving ones, wherein You can grant the siddhis (eight different powers) and the nidhis (nine different kinds of wealth).
You have the essence of Ram bhakti, may you always remain the humble and devoted servant of Raghupati. 

你得到了 Janaki 母親的祝福,進一步給予應得的恩惠,其中你可以授予 siddhis(八種不同的力量)和 nidhis(九種不同的財富)。

你擁有 Ram bhakti 的本質,願你永遠是 Raghupati 的謙卑和忠誠的僕人。

  • Anima:將一個人的身體自我縮小到原子大小
  • Mahima:將一個人的身體自我成長到難以置信的大尺寸
  • Garima:讓一個人的肉體變得如此沉重以至於無法被他人移動
  • Laghima:變得幾乎失重
  • Prapti:能夠去/旅行任何想去的地方
  • Prakamya:能夠得到任何人想要的東西
  • Istva : 擁有主權
  • Vastva:能夠控制他人的思想
  • Anima : 減少自我,在長輩、父母、老師和大師面前謙虛。
  • Mahima : 從大處著眼,以大目標為目標。
  • Garima:在價值觀和原則上不可動搖。
  • Laghima:不要把生活中的一切都看得太重。生活中有一些輕鬆和歡笑。為此,我應該注意到斯瓦米吉Swaroopananda 用他有趣的軼事給我們帶來了不少笑聲。
  • Prapti:將精神能量集中在實現目標上。
  • Prakamya:永遠說實話,不要害怕表達目的和目標。Swamiji 舉了一個很好的例子來解釋他的觀點。大多數人說出他們想要實現的目標並立即“touch wood,碰木頭(凍結)”,因為他們害怕大聲說出來,它不會成真。然而,當這些人接近斯瓦米時,他們的整個觀點就會改變。他們突然相信,如果斯瓦米說它會發生,那麼它就會真的發生。印度教充滿了偉大聖人和聖人的故事,他們的話語——詛咒和祝福——會成真。Swamiji 的觀點是,雖然我們可能並非如此,但我們仍然應該努力像這些偉大的聖人一樣,始終說真話並在生活中擁有“可以做”的態度。
  • IstvaVastva:Swamiji 結合了最後兩個 siddhis 並專注於領導力、尊重和愛的力量——所有這些都是齊頭並進的。真正的領導者會激勵他人。這種靈感使人們追隨並忠於該領導者 ( istva )。最後,關於vastva,Swamiji 說如果一個人真的愛你,沒有任何他不會為你做的事。

Tumhare Bhajan Ram Ko Paave. Janam Janam Ke Dukh Bisraave. 
Antkaal Raghuvar Pur Jaayi. Jahan Janam Hari-Bhakt Kahayi.

When one sings Your praise, Your name, He gets to meet Lord Rama and finds relief from the sorrows of many lifetimes.
By your grace, one will go to the immortal abode of Lord Rama after death and remain devoted to Him. 



Aur Devta Chitta Na Dharai. Hanumat Sei Sarva Sukh Karai.
Sankat Kate, Mite Sab Peera. Jo Sumire Hanumat Balbeera.

It is not needed to serve any other Deity or God. Service to Lord Hanuman gives all the comforts.
All troubles cease for the one who remembers the powerful lord, Lord Hanuman and all his pains also come to an end.

不需要為任何其他神靈或上帝服務。 為哈努曼Hanuman勳爵服務會帶來所有的安慰。


Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosain. Krupa Karahu Gurudev Ki Naai. 
Jo Sat Baar Paath Kar Koi. Chutahi Bandhi Maha Sukh Hoyi.

O Lord Hanuman! Praises and glory to you O mighty Lord, please bestow your grace as our Supreme Guru. 
One who recites this Chalisa a hundred times is released from all bondages and will attain great bliss.

哈奴曼大人啊! 偉大的主啊,讚美和榮耀你,請賜予你作為我們至尊古魯Guru的恩典。


Jo Yeh Padhe Hanuman Chalisa, Hoye Siddhi Saakhi Gaurisa.
Tulsidas Sada Hari Chera, Keeje Nath Hriday Mah Dera.

One who reads and recites this Hanuman Chalisa, all his works get accomplished. Lord Shiva, Himself, is the witness to it.
O Lord Hanuman, May I always remain a servant, a devotee to Lord Sri Ram, says Tulsidas. And, May You always reside in my heart.

讀誦此哈努曼查里沙者,其功皆成就。 濕婆神本人就是它的見證人。

哈努曼勳爵啊,願我永遠做僕人,成為斯里拉姆勳爵的奉獻者,圖爾西達斯說。 還有,願你常駐我心。


Pawan Tanay Sankat Haran, Mangal Murti Roop.
Ram Lakhan Sita Sahit, Hriday Basahu Sur Bhoop.

O the Son of Wind, You are the destroyer of all sorrows. You are the embodiment of fortune and prosperity.

With Lord Rama, Laxmana and Mother Sita, dwell in my heart, always.

風之子啊,你是所有悲傷的毀滅者。 你是財富和繁榮的化身。


Benefits of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa

As the Hanuman Chalisa unfolds verse by verse, Lord Hanuman’s many qualities are enumerated. This hymn is sung and recited by devotees who believe that the greatest of Ram Bhaktas, Hanuman, will bless them. It bestows protection from illness, adversaries, and adversities. Lord Hanuman is considered to be the God of Life whose worship increases life force. Increased life force gives us the strength to do anything, removing fear, mistrust, doubt from within us.

唱誦 Hanuman Chalisa 的好處
隨著 Hanuman Chalisa 逐節展開,Hanuman 勳爵的許多品質都被列舉出來。 這首讚美詩由相信 Ram Bhaktas 中最偉大的哈努曼 (Hanuman) 會保佑他們的奉獻者演唱和背誦。 它可以保護免受疾病、敵人和逆境的侵害。 哈努曼勳爵被認為是生命之神,崇拜它可以增加生命力。 增加的生命力給了我們做任何事情的力量,消除了我們內心的恐懼、不信任和懷疑。

Hanuman Jayanti Spl Hanuman Chalisa in Presence of Gurudev | 1 June 2024

