
Shad sambandha( 6 relationship ) with master /2023 Guru Purnima

2023.7.3Gurudev古儒吉Sri Sri 的來自本恩Boon靜心所唱場中的記錄:

 1. Parasambandha 天啓超越的連結- 沒有二,只有一是「sohum」。 你就是那;那就是你。 你不會說誰是上師或誰是學生,他們是一。

 2. Mahaansambandha - 宏偉的關係-你看不到彼此的缺點,老師也看不到學生的缺點,反之亦然。 心智融為一體。 沒有任何問題,你只是閃耀著能量和至福,“Nyochawar ho jaana”沉浸在智慧和喜悅中。

 3.  Antraalsambandha - 有一個間隙;這裡沒有完美的同步卻能有所理解;
師父和弟子都努力去理解彼此的觀點。 有時學生追著老師請他教我;因而他們之間有了連結。 師父認出了學生的偉大之處,反之亦然,學生也認出了師父的偉大。

 4. Divyasambandha - 混合著各種不同情緒的連結。 有時快樂,有時悲傷........,等等,有時質疑一個人的信仰和許多其他問題...等等。

 5. Divyaadviyasambandha - 是神聖的,又不那麼神聖的連結-在這方面,學生活在自己的世界中,有時會進出關係。

 6. Adivyasambandha -沒有了神聖的連結,但你仍然可以從他們身上學到一些東西。  首先向惡人致敬,因為他們教會了我在智者面前不應該做的事情。 師父有時教也有時不教,想著學生是否會學到東西,我在學生身上花的時間值得嗎?”

 在這一切中,與神性的連結非常重要。 你是本我,也是大師。 
Ekam Nityam、Vimalamachalam、Sarvadhisaakshibhootam、bhavateetam、trigunasahitam、sadhgurum tam namami。

我在無限的空間裡。 這是最高的學問。 你可以一步一步來,也可以一舉獲得知識。上師Guru讓你學習或不再學。 不去學習那些瑣碎和巨大的事情,因而學會成就小事,從而成就偉大的事情。


Satsang Transcript from Boone Ashram with Gurudev

1. Parasambandha - There are no two there is only one sohum. Thou is that that is thou. You dont say who is Guru or student they are just one. 

2. Mahaansambandha - Great relationship,  you dont see shortcomings in one another, No imperfections in the student can the master see and vice ve rsa. Mind is merged as one. There are no questions,  you just radiate energy and bliss,  "Nyochawar ho jaana" soaked in wisdom and joy. 

3. Antraalsambandha - There is a gap. There is not perfect sync but there is understanding

There is an effort from both master and disciple to make understand each others point of view. Sometimes the student chase the teacher please teach me they connect. Master recognises the greatness of the student and vice versa. 

4. Divyasambandha - There is connection mixed with all different emotions. Sometimes joy, sometimes sorrow,  etx, questioning ones faith and many other questions etc.

5. Divyaadviyasambandha - It’s divine and not so divine,  in this connection student lives in his own world, sometimes steps in and steps out of the relationship. 

6. Adivyssambandha - Not divine connection with someone but you yet learn something from them. "I salute the wicked one first as they taught me what should not be done before the wise ones". Master also sometimes teach or doesnt teach thinking that the student will learn something or not, am I spending my time worthly on the student?"

In all this it is important to be connected to the divinity.  You are the self and the Master. Ekam Nityam,  Vichalamachalam,  Sarvadhisaakshibhootam, bhavateetam,  trigunasahitam, sadhguru m tam namami. 

I am in the infinite space. This is the highest knowledge. You can go step by step or get the knowledge in one stroke. Guru makes you learn or unlearn. Unlearn things which are trivial and huge and learn to achieve small and thus the greatest.

2023 Guru Purnima 

梵文sambandha—the relationship 關係/連結(與神的)。 
1. Parasambandha:天啓超越的連結。

जानामीति तमेव भान्तमनुभात्येतत्समस्तं जगत्
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥४॥
Jaanaam-Iiti Tam-Eva Bhaantam-Anubhaaty-Etat-Samastam Jagat.
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