


其中一種方式是,,,, 靈魂升入 PITRLOKA (先祖界)並在一段時間後返回
.......另一種方式靈魂進入 DEVALOKA(天神界)而不是 PITRLOKA....
這些 lokas天界 在哪裡???
右側的 NADI 或能量通道是陽脈SURYANDI 或 SURYASWARA(陽脈也稱為 PINGLA-是與太陽相關的能量通道)....左側的氣脈 NADI 是陰脈 CHANDRANADI(陰脈也稱為 IDA-與月亮相關的能量通道)或 CHANDRASWARA  

當任何人踏上旅行,,,,,, 如果 SWARA 是陰脈(CHANDRANADI) 較活躍,他們往往會長途跋涉,但肯定會回家 
當有人是帶著陽脈 SURYANADI 去活動旅行時,他們只會走一小段路,可能會去附近的商店或房子,然後他們將不得不停下來……他們必須要從這裡走很遠的路去新德里或孟買,然後你會知道陰脈CHANDRANADI它是活躍的 

There are 2 ways through which a soul can leave the body......In one of the ways ,,,,the soul ascends into PITRLOKA & returns after sometime.......The other way soul goes into DEVALOKA & not PITRLOKA....
Where r these lokas???
They r present in our nose,,,,,as our right & left nostrils....
The right NADI or energy channel is the SURYANDI or SURYASWARA (also know as PINGLA- the energy channel associated with the Sun)....The left NADI is the CHANDRANADI(also known as IDA- the energy channel associated with moon) or CHANDRASWARA.....

When anyone sets foot to travel,,,,,,if the SWARA (CHANDRANADI) is active they tend to travel long distance but surely return home......
When someone travels with the SURYANADI active,,,u will c they travel a short distance only,,,maybe to a shop or a house nearby,,,,,after which they will have to make a halt......They will necessarily have to travel a very long distance away from here,,,,,say New Delhi or  Mumbai,,,,,then u will c that its the CHANDRANADI that is active.....

那是因為一個幫助從空中將身體抬離地面而另一個有助於提升和揚昇靈性。當您到達靜心所的正門口時都該檢查您的鼻孔,,,,, 兩個氣脈 NADIS 都變得活躍了,......任何一個當身體發現被提升或靈性得到提升的地方,你會激活兩個氣脈nadis 它可能會很短暫片刻發生,但它就是發生了 
這個離開世界的 2 種方式既真實又永恆

在死亡時,如果陽脈 SURYANADI 是活躍的——意味著 PRANA 已經通過陽脈 SURYANADI 到達了 BHRUMADHYA——然後通過 BRAHMARANDHRA 離開這樣的人永遠不會回到世界;他們得到解放
但是,如果生命能量 PRANA 在陰脈CHANDRANADI 活躍的情況下離開身體陰脈那麼這個人肯定會回到這個世界。

通常人們會因 陰脈CHANDRANADI 活躍而死亡
很少有人會因為陽脈 SURYANADI 活躍而死亡。
當你離開身體時,陰脈CHANDRANADI 處於活動狀態,然後體驗一種撫慰舒緩的光,一種像月光一樣的會靠近你,給你一種平靜和解脫的感覺這舒緩的光會擁抱和包圍你;它會牽著你的手帶你前進
通過陽脈 SURYANADI 的效果,你體驗到熱,就好像你與火合二為一。因著陰脈CHANDRANADI的影響,您可以體驗到像月光般的寧靜和清涼舒爽

 DAKSHINAYAN(當地球南極向太陽傾斜 6 個月時)
死在 DAKSHINAYAN 的人會下地獄並受苦
UTTARAYAN 和 DAKSHINAYAN 的現象正在我們內部發生......這些與微妙的世界有關
陽脈SURYANADI在死亡時活躍時,就像火一樣,體內有熱量和溫暖對許多人來說,死後很長時間身體仍然保持溫暖,並且不會立即變冷。( 難怪道家說身軟如棉)
你一定聽說過 PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA JI,瑜珈阿南達他的身體在他死後很多天都沒有變冷, 很長一段時間都保持著溫暖

那些隨著 CHANDRANADI 活躍而死去的人會升入 PITRLOKA先祖界並可能在一段時間後返回世界



Now whether u know or believe it or not ,,,,this phenomenon is constantly at work in life......when u go to a temple or airport, both the nadis will become active.......Why is this so???
That's because one helps in lifting the body off the ground in the air....while the other helps to uplift & elevate the spirit....
U all should check when u reach the Ashram main gate,,,,both NADIS become active...any place where the body finds some upliftment or the spirit is elevated,,,,u will c both the nadis r active....it may happen very briefly for a few moments, but it happens...
These r the 2 ways of departure from the world both r true & eternal.....

At the time of death if SURYANADI Is active- meaning PRANA has reached  BHRUMADHYA by traveling through the SURYANADI-& then leaves through the  BRAHMARANDHRA...such a person never returns to the world; they get liberated....
But if the PRANA leaves the body with CHANDRANADI active,,,then the person surely has to return to this world. 

When SURYANADI is active at the time of death,,,,,,there is total awareness.....
But if the  CHANDRANADI is active at the time of death,,,,then one experiences fogginess or a sense of delusion & darkness......
More often than not people die with the CHANDRANADI active.....
Very rarely does anyone die with  SURYANADI being active..
Very few people r able to c light at the time of death....
But there is no need to fear........
When u leave the body with the CHANDRANADI active,,,,then experience a soothing light a spirit in the form of light much like that of moon,,,,will  come close to u giving u a sense of peace & relief 
This soothing light will embrace & envelop u; it will take your hand & take u forward.....
By the effect of SURYANADI u experience heat as if u have become one with fire ...
& due to the effect of CHANDRANADI  u experience the peace & coolness of moonlight.....

UTTARAYANA(when Earth's north pole tilts towards sun for 6 months)
& DAKSHINAYAN(when Earth's south pole tilts towards the Sun for 6 months) 
Is a very subtle knowledge...
Don't misunderstand it to mean someone dying in UTTARAYAN will get liberated &
Someone dying in DAKSHINAYAN will go to hell & suffer...
This knowledge hasn't been presented correctly....
The phenomenon of UTTARAYAN & DAKSHINAYAN is happening within us....These r related to the subtle world...
It depends on one's present condition & the subtle energy channels active at the time of death .
When the SURYANADI is active at the time of death,,,,it's like fire,,,& there is heat & warmth in the body....
For many people body remains warm long after death & doesn't go cold immediately....
For some body goes cold even while they r alive & then the prana leaves the body...
U must have heard about PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA  JI,,,his body didn't go cold for many days after his death,,,it remained warm for a very long time...
When the prana leaves the body through the SURYANADI,,the body remains warm for a very long time,,,,& some c fire or light after death.....one who leaves the mortal world thus is a YOGI....
It means they don't immediately have to take rebirth....
Those who die with  CHANDRANADI active ascend to the PITRLOKA &  may return to the world after sometime.......

It is not that one way is superior & the other is inferior in any way.....
No it's not like that....
Both ways r  gud..


*Uttarayana & Dakshinayana*
Uttarayana and Dakshinayan these two Ayana are commonly known all people, and this is this is great values in their spiritual lives.
Uttarayana :
Uttarayana is basically the period when the Sun travels from Sagittarius Sign to Taurus Sign , means from south to north. That’s the reason we call it Uttarayan. This northward journey of the Sun from winter to summer solstice consists of three seasons: winters, springs and summers. The Uttarayana period starts on December 21st to June 21st .

Uttarayana 基本上是太陽從射手座到金牛座的時期,意思是從南到北。 這就是我們稱之為 Uttarayan 的原因。 太陽從冬至夏至的北上旅程包括三個季節:冬季、春季和夏季。 Uttarayana時期開始於12月21日至6月21日。
Dakshinayana :
Opposite of Uttarayana, Dakshinayana is the period when Sun travels back from North to South, means from Gemini Sign to Scorpio Sign . Due to the southward direction of this journey of Sun, we call it Dakshinayana . We generally see rains, autumn, and winters in this period of year.This Ayana period start from 22nd June to 20 December every year.
與北乘相反,達克西那乘是太陽從北向南旅行的時期,意思是從雙子座到天蠍座。 由於太陽的這一旅程向南,我們稱之為達克西那乘。 每年的這個時期我們通常會看到下雨、秋季和冬季。這個Ayana 時期從每年的6 月22 日開始到12 月20 日。 Uttarayana is the day time period for God, all good things mostly happens in this period, lots of people start there all good period and Dakshinayana is the night for them. So, Uttarayan is considered as an auspicious period, while Dakshinayana is not good period.
Uttarayana 北乘是上帝的白天時間,所有美好的事情都發生在這個時期,很多人從那裡開始所有美好的時期,而 Dakshinayana 是他們的夜晚。 所以,北大乘被認為是吉祥的時期,而達克西那乘則是不好的時期。  Brahmarandhrameaning – having an end or limit of twelve, it is the twelve fingers' breath, the 12th centre (or śakti in an individual) identified by some with the pituitary gland, there being six centers in the brain and six below the brain.
Brahmarandhra,意思是 - 有十二個手指的結束或限制,它是十二個手指的呼吸,第 12 個中心(或個人的 śakti)被某些人識別為腦垂體,大腦中有六個中心,大腦下方有六個中心 .

