

 您對自己有五個面向的看法:Asti阿斯蒂(is-ness);  Bhaati(知識,表達);  Preeti(愛); Nama娜瑪(名字); 和Rupa(形體)。


 意識具有三個方面:1–那是;2 知識/表達-祂知道並表達;3愛-祂是愛。




答:這樣我們才能成長為完美。 生命是從不完美到完美的移動。 一顆種子它包含樹,但是種子必須停止不再是樹的種子。 種子不是完美的。 種子並不完美。 它必須不再是種子才能成為一棵樹。 因此,在生命中,您可以在每個步驟上看到不完美,也可以看到從一個完美到另一個完美的移動。


The Five Aspects Of The Universe:
You have five aspects to yourself: Asti (is-ness); Bhaati (Knowledge, expression); Preeti (love); Nama (name); and Rupa (form).

Matter has two aspects: name and form.

Consciousness has three aspects: "is-ness" - that it is; knowingness/expression - it knows and expresses; and love - it is loving.

This is the secret of the whole universe.

Maya is not being aware of the three aspects of consciousness. Ignorance is when one is caught up in the name and form.

Question: Why are we imperfect?

Answer: So that we can grow to perfection. Life is a movement from imperfection to perfection. A seed contains the tree but the seed has to cease to be a seed to become a tree. The seed is not perfect. The sapling is not perfect. It has to cease to be a sapling to become a tree. So in life you can either see imperfection at every step, or you can see a movement from one perfection to another perfection.

Wherever you put your attention then that will grow. If you put your attention on the lack of something, the lack will increase.
~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji

