

提問 : 請為聖誕節給出特別的訊息。
古儒吉大師 : 聖誕樹是筆直向上的,而且它的枝幹朝各方向生長。我們所有人都擁有一種人類潛能充分綻放的能力。一年當中的此時,任何樹木都不會結果實,聖誕樹卻有許多要獻出去的禮物,而且它終年長青。一棵承載著禮物與燈飾的聖誕樹,不是為了它自己,而是為了所有人。你的生命帶著上天的禮物也是為了他人。你讓上天的禮物去服務任何有需要的人,然後你會訝異你的需求是如何地被照顧著。
在聖經裡,耶穌說 : "除非你像個孩子一般,否則你無法進入天國。這整個世界,就是一家人,所以我們有必要活出簡單與自然;唯有如此生命才會綻放。第二件事是,豎立在我們與他人之間的牆,需要被拆毀。放下所有你與他人之間的隔閡,就從你開始。不斷地去握手,這就是孩子們做的事。無論如何,當我們成長時,我們傾向於容易失去那。我們在彼此之間造一道牆,為彼此帶來拘謹並且遺忘了我們的本然。
Q: Please give your special message for ‘Christmas’.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The Christmas tree is pointing upwards and its branches grow on all sides, and we all have that capacity to blossom to the fullest of the human potential. At the time of year when no tree bears anything, the Christmas tree has many gifts to offer and it is evergreen throughout the year. A Christmas tree bears the gifts and the lights not for itself, but for all. The gifts you are carrying in your life are for others. You offer the gift of service to anyone one in need, and you will wonder how your needs are being taken care of!
In the Bible, Jesus said, 'Unless you become like a child, you cannot get into the kingdom of heaven.' The whole world is one family, so it is necessary that we live with naturalness and simplicity; only then life blossoms. The second thing is, the wall that we erect between ourselves and others needs to be demolished. Drop all inhibitions between you and others. From your side you drop inhibitions. Go on and shake hands. This is what kids do. However, as we grow up, we tend to lose that. We create a wall between us. We bring formalities between us and forget our naturalness.

All those who are grown up physically, but want to be a child again, or think you are one, just go for it! Don't worry about what others think about you. If the world calls us crazy, let them say, but you be happy. Be in the present and be natural. What is most important in the world is innocence along with intelligence. The innocence of an ignorant person has no value. Similarly the crookedness of an intelligent person has no value. What is most valuable is innocence and intelligence. Innocence and intelligence should go together.

                           Wish you have a heavenly peace in Christmas Eve.JGD!

