
我們說:「Jai GurūDev」

小心智和遍佈的大心智之間總是在打架。這就是為什麼我們要說Jai GurūDev,即是勝利的大心智。有無數次,小心智贏了。每當小心智獲勝時,結果就帶來痛苦。


同樣的,大心智也允許小心智玩一下,並贏得改變。但是當它贏了,它會很悲慘,然後又回到了大心智。這就是為什麼我們說Jai GurūDev。這意味著Gurū的勝利大心智的勝利無限的勝利。這是因為當大心智勝過小心智時,即使是小心智的失敗也是一種快樂。它總是以這種方式發生。回顧看看 - 你的一些失敗是非常好的。它們讓你在某些地方獲得進步,讓你變得更強壯。
 ~ 古儒吉大師~

The fight is always between the small little mind and the big universal mind. That’s why we say, ‘Jai Gurū Dev’ ie., victory to the big mind. It happens so many times that the small mind wins. Whenever the small mind wins, the result is misery.
Inside you have both the big and small mind. It is like a mother going with a child to a store. The child goes on wanting this and that. Sometimes the mother agrees and allows the child to have one or two more chocolates. After eating more chocolates, the child gets toothache, a cough or a cold. Why did the mother allow the child to eat more in the first place and get sick? But a child was so adamant sometimes that the mother had to agree. And when the child is sick the mother also cares for it. It is part of the game.
In the same way, the big mind allows the small mind to play for a little while, and win for a change. But when it wins, it is miserable and comes back to the big mind. That is why we say, ‘Jai Gurū Dev ’. It means victory to the Gurū, to the big mind; victory to the infinity. This is because when the big mind wins over the small mind, even the failure of the smaller mind is a joy. It has always happened that way. Turn back and see – some of your failures have been very good. They made you progress somewhere and made you stronger.

