
內在洞悉之旅believe to see

insight journey



Catholic priest/Argentina

Father Thomas Mathew



Faith is a gift of God.

You see God in Action.

You see God personally behind every, every event.

Admor DI MalTA 阿德莫爾? Malta


Faith is something that give you the drive, the strive, the light, the energy to live in this physical universe.



Faith is something that is larger than the universe, 

something very big, something very basic.

ANgaanaq 因紐特人的領袖和薩滿。/格林蘭

ANgaanaq? Inuit leader and Shaman./Greenland



In our language

Faith is believing.

Believing in yourself that you can do it.I have to learn believe in myself that The Great One will answer me.



Catholic priest/Argentina

Father Thomas Mathew






Primarily is not me who heals, God heals, So I don’t have to put extra effort in healing.

When God Touch a person, God touch me also. And touch my soul, and heals my soul, that’s what is happening within me.
藝術 成為全球轉型的工具。

Art as a Tool for global transformation 



Every individual, every human being is very special, 

and that’s what I see.

And everyone has a gift and everyone has a role to play on this planet. 

Admor DI MalTA 阿德莫爾? Malta



MY message for humankind, you have to be like a flower.

Open just to light, just to happiness.

Love each other unconditionally.

That’s the only thing that can heal you.

Because you are good people, goodness exists in you.
You have to just research about that.


A space creates to spread messages.

That impact on our consciousness.

ANgaanaq 因紐特人的領袖和薩滿。/格林蘭

ANgaanaq? Inuit leader and Shaman./Greenland

我做得好嗎? 我不知道。


my mission has always been to do what I have been asked to do.

I’m not special, I ‘ve been given responsibility.

Have I done a good job.? I don’t know.

IN the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.

12 leadership, 12 destination, one purpose.

Welcome home !
Believe to see.

WE need your contribution to spread message of love and global unity.



超越科技的超能力 -- 直覺直覺,是源自於你內在的潛能 !

第一層次的溝通,是Para的層面,是超越理解的,在那種溝通的層面,沒有二元性、沒有二。這是知識。所以有 para、pashyanti、madhyama及vaikari,四個層面。今天,我們為盲童上我們的直覺課程,盲童能夠閱讀。我們問你怎麼讀,他們說 我們透過我們的心之眼 (mind's eye)閱讀他們只透過觸摸就能夠閱讀、就能感覺到它。直覺,我們正在教導孩子們的課程,這就是現在所發生的事。直覺獲得發展,屆時,無需睜開眼睛,他們透過心理機能就能感受到。這可能成為一場革命。我們的老師問我,我們可以跟盲童上這個課程嗎,我說,好啊,去做吧,試驗看看吧。而今天,他們已經有了結果,顯示其成效非常好!這給了所有盲人學校及教育這些孩子希望。他們不需要經歷盲人點字法,我們為他們開闢了另一個內部機制,讓他們看到事物。他們能夠說出顏色、數字、所有一切!


The first level of communication, which is para level, is beyond comprehension, it is that level of communication from where there is no duality. There is no two. It is knowledge. So para, pashyanti, madhyama, vaikari, four levels. Today we did our Intuition Process for blind children, the blind children were able to read and we asked how do you read, they said ‘we are reading through our mind’s eye’.. They are able to read by just touching, just be feeling it. The intuition process now what we are teaching for kids, this is what happens. The intuition gets developed, then without having to open their eyes, they can feel through the mental faculty. This could become a revolution. Our teachers asked me, can we do this with the blind children. I said, ok, do it, try, experiment it. And today they have come up saying it’s working wonderfully! This is giving a hope to go to all the blind schools and teach those kids. They don’t need to go through the Braille, we got to open up another inner faculty for them to see things. They are able to say the colours, numbers, everything!~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar2019~



由Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar的談話彙編而成。







有一段時間你說現在! 我不想看任何東西,我不想聽任何東西,我不想聞到任何東西,我不想品嚐任何東西,我不想觸摸或是知道任何事情我只是臨在



有時越過自己的理智。你的理智正在說些什麼,但你內心直覺是在說別的。而你的感覺卻說不! 有些不同,還有更多些。而你卻忽略了這一點,你堅持理智


「其它的人會出現,做同樣的事情並照顧每一個人我沒有野心,也沒有渴望要開始任何運動。我很開心,現在也很快樂,但我想,為什麼我會頭疼,我不想!我也有點害羞,但我的理智總是說我不要!但是隨後,一切的事都持續在發生。當超覺靜坐T M運動很受歡迎時,T M友人他們非常想讓我待在那裡。他們都非常友好。所以,我很難說不!對我的朋友,以及那些與我有點聯繫的所有前輩。我說不!我不想開始生活的藝術!







所以現在,所有這一切的一個實際好處是你明白你的智力只是判斷力,你不應該過分依賴它其中一個步驟是:是的,我的想法!它繼續說些什麼,我不在乎不要進入這些心智的遊戲;你成了這些心智的遊戲的見證人。在家裡,當有一些爭論時,發生一些事情。那時,你退後一步然後說:!少來了吧!我已見識過無數了。我不會讓影響到我這是一個朝向( 它)逐步發展 正是這種覺知-它發生在每個人的生命中 ,將會發生得更快速 


From Intellect to Intuition|
compiled from a discourse by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
The realities explored in science and spirituality are often assumed to be unrelated to each another.
Both find their basis in a Spirit of Inquiry.

Modern science is objective analysis, while spirituality is subjective understanding.
Science explores the outer world with a series of questions beginning with the basic query, “What is this? What is this world all about?’ While spirituality begins with the question.” Who am I”.
 In the ancient world, these two forms of knowledge were not in conflict but it was understood that there was a deep and subtle connection between them. Mans knowledge of himself complemented his understanding of the universe and formed the basis for a strong and healthy relationship with the creation in which he lived. It is the disconnect between these two types of knowledge that causing many of the challenges that we face as a global community today.
Ancient wisdom describes human beings ashaving five layers of experience: The environment, the physical body, the mind, the intuition and our self or spirit.
There are three type of knowledge or information that we get.
The first is through the five senses.
Most of our knowledge is gained by these five senses. You see and you get some knowledge, you listen and you get knowledge, you smell and you get information, through taste you get information, and through touch. Now this is one type of knowledge.
The second is through the intellect.
The knowledge gained through intellect is superior to knowledge gained through the senses. Science is knowledge gained through intellect. What you see with your eyes is the sun setting, but what you learn through science is that the sun doesn’t set.
The earth revolves round the sun. You have not seen the earth revolving through any of the five senses, but through the intellect, you understand that the earth is revolving around the sun. This intellectual knowledge is superior to the knowledge through senses.
Like in a breaker of water, you keep a pen, you see that the pen is bent. That is perception, but the intellect says, “No, it is not bent, it is an optical illusion” This is knowledge through the intellect. Now, these two levels of knowledge are far inferior to the third level of knowledge.
The third level of knowledge is intuitive knowledge.
This knowledge from the spirit; com from silence. It cannot be verified by the sense or the I intellect. Knowledge which comes through beyond these two is another level of knowledge. So, life begins when we tap into that level of knowledge. Till that time it is Existence.
Now, how would you tap into this level of knowledge? The level of knowledge which is not through the senses or through the intellect? For that, you have to let go of the cravings and aversions gained through the senses stop. All our cravings and aversions are about the five sensory perceptions. It cannot be anything beyond that.

For some time you say ” Now, I don’t want to see anything, I don’t want to hear anything, I don’ want to smell anything, I don’t want to taste anything, I don’t want to touch or know anything: I’m just to be” Then, to all the intellectual concepts, judgements, decisions. you can say,” I don’t even need to know anything. I don’t care for anything!
Letting go of concepts is the second step. How should this be? How should that be? Things should be like this and things should be like that, blah blah blah…’ all these intellectual perceptions!
Or, “Am I doing the right thing? Am I on the right path? Am I on the right path? Am I on the right track? Should I go on?”When You drop all these things, then silence dawns and when silence begins, then the knowledge from the third level dawns and that knowledge. The true knowledge that comes from beyond the intellect is the intuitive knowledge.

Everyone has got this ability and you have experienced this gut feeling in your life-knowledge that comes from somewhere, which you cannot really make out what it is all about. Somewhere you feel,” This is the right thing to do”, and something happens in your tummy. That knowledge comes up at that time, but we don’t honour it. Many times we stick on to the intellect or sensory perceptions.

Sometimes, your intellect says,” What I am doing is wrong”, but you don’t listen to the intellect. You keep doing the wrong things. You stick on to the sensory and ignore the intellectual knowledge.
You sometimes go beyond your intellect. Your intellect is saying something but your inner gut feeling is saying something else. And your feeling says.” No. There is something different, something more. And you ignore that and you stick on to the intellect. That’s how many a times your judgments are found to be wrong.

But sometimes you have seen beyond your judgements and taken a step and you have been happy about it.
In spite of your intellect saying” No”, something says” yes” something else triggers and that is what happens when there is faith. Sometimes your mind says, “ Now, I want to quit doing all these spiritual practices, I don’t care for that, I don’t care for hopes”. Many people try to quit smoking but something deep inside, the impressions, samskaras, some good karmas, just keep you going and then you are back on the track. And then you are happy. You feel, “ Good thing, I didn’t do it, I didn’t work on my impulse”. Those are the moments when something beyond your intellect has taken over and worked.

In the very beginning, when we starte
d the Art of Living, I could see that millions of people would be coming on this path. I was just 22 or 23 years, hardly out of my teens. I said” No, I don’t want to start!”. My intellect would say” No, so what? Someone else would come, do the same thing and take care of everybody” I had no ambition, no desire to start any movement at all. I was happy, I’m happy now also, but I thought, “ Why would I take this headache, I don’t want to!” I was also a little shy but my intellect was always saying, “Om no!” But then, everything kept happening. When The T M movement was popular, they very much wanted me to be there. And they were all very friendly. So, it was difficult for me to say. “No!” to my friends, and all the elders there with whom I was sort of attached. I said, “No, I don’t want to start the Art of living!”
 I had everything, I didn’t need anything. I had no Lack. I was flying around in helicopters in those days. I had seen all the wealth I could see those days.  And, if I had to start something from scratch, the intellect was saying” No”. But, something beyond that was saying, “yes”! I was at the railway station, it was somewhere in Hubli. There were two trains, one going towards south and the other going towards north. If I took the train to south, it meant, I would not start this, I was on the platform, on one side was this train and on another side, the other train. I had tickets for both! I had committed for a program in the north. If I went north, I was sure that I would continue with the Art of Living and start this whole thing. That was the most confusing time, a conflicting time for me, the dilemma of getting on to this train or that train. Then, I jumped into the train which was north-bound, and let the train which was north-bound, and let go of the past for no apparent gain. It’s not that I never thought what I would gain from this. No! In fact, I thought, “ I am not gaining anything. I am collecting more problems, troubles. There I could just be like a prince, very comfortable, somebody does everything for me” Why am I saying all this.
Because this is the level of knowledge, the Intuitive knowledge which is beyond the intellect. Everyone who knew me those days thought I had gone mad, crazy. Here I was going to be made as a successor or heir to a huge organization, empire/ Everything was there, and I was just washing it all off and getting on to something which had no form. Not even an organization was there, nothing was there. Only, I had 200 kids to take care of and a school which would go with me. I had no money; no resource, nothing. I had never worked and I had no skills. And, these days’ people find it difficult to take care of two children in a house. Those days, India was undergoing a lot of crisis. Many type of crises, and here I land up with 200 kids or 250kids to feed and to educated; all these responsibilities. Intellectually it was completely for anyone
with some sense, even to think about it. But, there was another
knowledge, which I totally honored and depended upon and I took the step. Otherwise, there was no way that we would be having a Montreal ashram, and I would be sitting with you and talking to you!
So, this is the third level of knowledge, that gut feeling, or intuitive knowledge. Now, many times, with your emotions, with your own cravings and aversions you can think, “oh! This is my gut feeling, this is my knowledge”. This is call maya ”yogamaya”. Don’t get into that!
When can you honor the knowledge of the spirit or the soul? It is when you are absolutely still.
So, In the beginning why it works for others and doesn’t work for you is because there are some cravings, some aversions in you always. Some cravings, some aversions and you may get confused. The hollow and empty meditations you do are all are very, very useful in getting to that level of knowledge. Which is beyond the senses and beyond the intellect? Now, how can you explain this to anybody? That’s big trouble, very difficult to tell somebody,” oh, there is very difficult to tell somebody, “Oh, there is one level that’s beyond your logic” If you say that, people will think that you are crazy or denying your intellect, but it is neither.

Neither are you crazy nor are you denying the intellect. You simply go one step beyond and recognize something beautiful. This is the area where the entire cosmos works. All the knowledge in the cosmos is present there. Every invention has happened from this area.
The initial intuitive invention comes from that.Then the intellect plays on it and develops it further. Every one of the great music or poetry pieces has come from that area:; every one of them! So now, one practical benefit from all this is “you understand your intellect is judgmental and you should not depend on it too much” One of the steps is “Oh yes, my mind! It goes on saying something or the other and I don’t care, I don’t mind that” don’t get swept into these mind games; You become a witness to them. At home, when there is some argument, something happens. Sometimes, you take one step back and say” Oh, come on! I have seen much of this. It’s not going to let this affect me” This is a gradual progression towards that, but is happening in everyone’s life-just this awareness, will happen even faster.
In intuition, you do not sit and calculate. Intuition means that which simply comes up beyond reason. Archimedes was thinking and thinking, it didn’t work! But, when he relaxed, suddenly he discovered the Archimedes principle.

~Sri Sri 2017~














I learned intuition in India: Steve Jobs
Steve wandered across India for seven months looking for spiritual enlightenment.

The seven months that Steve Jobs spent wandering in India in search of spiritual enlightenment were not a waste of time,his biographer has said,with the late Apple co-founder telling him his time in India taught him intuition.

In an interview with the CBS,biographer Walter Isaacson says Jobs’ design sense was greatly influenced by the simplicities of Zen Buddhism.

Isaacson’s book ‘Steve Jobs’ will hit bookstores today.

In the 1970s,Jobs took a leave from working as a technician at video games manufacturer Atari and spent seven months wandering across India looking for spiritual enlightenment.


And it turned out not to be a waste of time,he says.

According to Isaacson,when Jobs returned from India he said,The main thing I’ve learned is intuition,that the people in India are not just pure rational thinkers,that the great spiritual ones also have an intuition.

Isaacson says that the simplicities of Zen Buddhism,really informed his (Jobs’) design sense.

That notion that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, the biographer says in the interview.

After returning from India,Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak founded Apple computer in his parents’ garage with an initial USD 1,300 investment.

When asked how Jobs,a hippie college dropout goes to India and comes back deciding he wants to be a businessman,Isaacson says, Jobs has within him sort of this conflict,but he doesn’t quite see it as a conflict between being hippie-ish and anti-materialistic but wanting to sell things like Wozniak’s board. Wanting to create a business. And I think that’s exactly what Silicon Valley was all about in those days. Let’s do a startup in our parents’ garage and try to create a business.